Javascript Promises

Let us dive a little deeper into promises and asynchronous programming. If you already understand how asynchronous programming works in javascript, you can jump to the promises section. However if you want to under the history behind why promises exist, then read on. Javascript Promises are a much needed feature to have. They address a problem known as callback hell, which one is bound to face if they do any kind of asynchronous programming. As a web developer, this is something you cannot run away from as the browsers internal operations are asynchronous. Asynchronous here means more than one thing is happening at a time within a browsers engine. You might also hear the term synchronous in a similar manner. It means one thing happening at a time. For example, you may have heard that javascript is synchronous. This means that when executing javascript you cannot execute multiple statements at a time. Every statement that begins to execute MUST complete before another is run. This is why you hear that javascript is single threaded. Code execution is run line by line. Read More